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"Move Over Flat Earthers, New Belief Emerges: Earth is Shaped Like a Donut!"


The shape of the planet Earth has been a topic of discussion for centuries, giving rise to various theories and debates. While the scientific consensus supports the idea that the Earth is a geoid—a shape closely resembling a sphere—it's worth mentioning that a theory proposing the Earth as a donut, known as the "Donut Earth" theory, emerged a few years ago.

The origins of the Donut Earth theory can be traced back to a hoax on a website called the Flat Earth Society in 2008. Although initially presented as a joke, the concept gained some traction and attracted a small following. Over time, videos and discussions promoting the theory began circulating on the internet, contributing to its growing popularity.

One prominent advocate of the Donut Earth theory is a user named Varaug, who is associated with the aforementioned website. Varaug has addressed various questions and doubts regarding the physical implications of a toroid-shaped Earth. For instance, when asked why the central hole of the donut has never been discovered, Varaug explains that the curvature of the toroid causes light to bend, rendering the hole "invisible" to observation.

Regarding the dynamics of day and night, which differ from the traditional geoid model, Varaug offers an analogy. By placing a torch horizontally on a table and illuminating it, then laying a donut on its side with the hole perpendicular to the torch, Varaug suggests that the illuminated side of the donut represents daytime.

Varaug also addresses the topic of gravity, asserting that it would behave similarly to the Round Earth (RE) model. Drawing a parallel to a jam-filled donut, Varaug states that gravity would act towards the central mass, much like how people are drawn to large masses.

However, it is important to note that photographs of the Earth taken from space consistently depict a geoid shape. These images, supported by scientific evidence, demonstrate that the Earth is not a donut but rather a geoid—more closely resembling a tangerine than a perfect sphere.

In conclusion, while the Donut Earth theory emerged as a hoax on a flat-Earther website, it has garnered some attention and followers over time. However, scientific consensus and photographic evidence overwhelmingly support the understanding that the Earth is a geoid, with its shape resembling that of a tangerine rather than a donut.

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